Sunday, January 29, 2006

Save Kitty!

I remember something my friend Joe told me a while back concerning his bed bug problem. As I mentioned in my first post, Joe’s cat was going nuts from being bitten by the bugs. The cat began acting crazy, attacking Joe to the point where he finally had to call the city to pick up the cat and put it to sleep. Even though bed bugs prefer human blood, they will feed off of any warm-blooded animal lying on the bed. Unfortunately, like many pet owners, Joe allowed his cat to sleep in bed with him. The ultimate result of Joe’s actions was very difficult for him to bear, as he saw his beloved black cat carried away in a net.

No wonder the cat went nuts; its little animal brain couldn’t possibly comprehend what the hell was happening to him. Between the bites, the welts and the possible itching, the cat must have lost all its marbles. The cat obviously couldn’t scratch the itchy bites. I know I would lose my mind if I had an itch I was unable to scratch. My heart goes out to my friend, because I know how much he loved that cat.

Joe always left his bedroom door open so the cat would always walk into the room and onto the bed after he was asleep. So remember, if you want your pet to not lose its mind and have to be put to sleep, once you realize you have bed bugs, do not allow your pet to be in your bedroom after dark and close the door to keep it from entering during the night.

R.I.P. “Sammy”
b. ? - 2005


Anonymous said...

hey, JUST GOT THIS PROBLEM, out in Brooklyn, NY (Midwood)...

??? HAVE U HEARD OF black and decker's "noise machine" or something, i saw it at walgreens, apparently it emits a HIGH FREQUENCY (ALTERNATING) SOUND WE CAN'T HERE THAT "drives away" roaches, mice, ants (is safe to use around cats)

2. ??? HOW CAN I CHECK MY CAT TO SEE IF SHE HAS BEDBUGS...? how do i treat her (already used flea drops)...

3. ANY OTHER ADVICE not listed, please! (i found out this much from blogs)...

1. rubbing alchohol
2. diotamacheous earth from (huge huge bag for $20)...

3. fogged the room as well, walgreens sells 3 foggers for $6...

4. clean, clean, clean.

5. clear sturdy plastic garbage (recycling) bags, home depot has huge box for $20 (u get 200 or so)...

6. tons of clear plastic bins/boxes from walmart.

7. "exterminator"

8. + laundry (duh)

Anonymous said...

ARE THEIR any POLITICAL action committees surrounding the bed bug issue?

There should be...

1. free treatment/extermination for low-income people, atleast by GOVERNMENT.

2. Government/city removal of contaminated stuff.

3. FLYERS SENT IN CITY MAIL (like they do for recycling and even "beetle" control) ABOUT HOW TO AVOID, KILL, DETECT THESE PESTS!

4. advocate the spraying of DDT (atleast for indoor use?)...

5... I READ THAT IN AFRICA millions die of malaria because environmentalists banned DDT (used to kill mosquitoes, which spread malaria)...

I used to call myself an "environmentalist"... now i'm a "conservationist"... f-that, i say bring back the DDT, so we can obtain used furniture without fear.